The variety and abundance of flowers in Ecuador was stunning. The intricate details and vibrant colors were a true pleasure to enjoy during our trip. From our local neighborhood to the Amazon to the nearby towns to Cotapaxi, we were always in the presence of beauty.
Interesting note: between the capital of Quito and Cotacachi is one of the rose-producing capitals of the world. The climate and elevation of the Andes mountains provide the right combination of rainfall and temperature for roses to thrive. There are over 500 varieties grown in this region.

Red & White Dahlia Pinnata

White Zinnia

Tievine (ipomoea cordatotriloba)

Golden Chalice Vine (solandra maxima)

Crucifix Orchid (epidendrum secundum)

Variable Glycine (glycine tabacina)

Rose Milkweed (asclepias incarnata)

Crucifix Orchid (epidendrum secundum)

Elleanthus myrosmatis

Lupinus 'Purple Swirl'

Salvia quitensis

Tulip (tulip orphanidea)

Stenomesson aurantiacum

Chikku Chikku (hypochaeris sessiliflora)


Sea Pea (lathyrus japonicus)

St. John's Wort (hypericum brasiliense)

Wild Geranium

Pucachaglla (brachyotum ledifolium)

Siphocampylus affinis

Halenia longicaulis

Barnadesia aculeata

Bidens aurea

Enula (inula helenium)

Coriaria ruscifolia

Madreselva Asiática (lonicera japonica)

Aeonium pseudotabuliforme

Red Angel's Trumpet (brugmansia sanguinea)

Plantas de Gloria (género pleroma)

Plantas de Gloria (género pleroma)

Red Vein Chinese Lantern (abutilon pictum)

Arum Lily (zantedeschia aethiopica)

Red Vein Chinese Lantern (abutilon pictum)

Hardy Fuchsia

White Foxglove (digitalis purpurea)

Red Vein Chinese Lantern (abutilon pictum)

Hula Girl Hibiscus

Mexican Sunflower (tithonia diversifolia)



Corkscrew Beggartick (bidens torta)

Hula Girl Hibiscus


Azalea 'Indica Inga'

Impatiens (balsaminaceae)

Aeonium pseudotabuliforme

Treasure Flower (gazania rigens)

Passiflora roseorum

West Indian Latana (latana camara)

Showy Chalice Vine (solandra grandiflora)

Tropical Hibiscus (hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

West Indian Latana (latana camara)

Bamboo Orchid (arundia graminfolia)

Star of the Veldt (dimorphotheca ecklonis)

Treasure Flower (gazania rigens)

Rose Campion (silene coronaria)

Yellow Trumpetbush (tecoma stans)
